Waitakere Writerss


December 11, 2021

Fifty words including quench, young, smash, ideal.

And 500 words about how a little knowledge goes a long way.


November 13, 2021


Fifty words including gape, phrase, brass and tumult.

And 500 words about how youth must have its fling.


October 9, 2021

Homework to be read at a normal meeting, or published on this site: 

Write exactly fifty words including, book, deliver, gherkin, working.

And 500 words about where would you like to visit and why?


September 11, 2021


Fifty words, including  dwelling, value, attack, rack. 

Short story up to 500 words,  "He walked down to the beach and saw a brilliant light near the horizon."


Augest 14, 2021


Fifty words, including whispering, dark-eyed, weakness and composure. 

A 300 word essay with a comedic theme.


July 10, 2021


Fifty words, including branch, descendents, gather and rind.

A 500 word piece —  a book review of any book you have read. This will be a nice change.


June 12, 2021


A 50 word paragraph including reverence, growl, express, vain.

A short story up to 500 words about: "The unexpected always happens."


May 8, 2021


A 50 word paragraph including argue, calendar, unit, window.

A short story up to 500 words:  "It all started with that legendary rescue mission."  although the word or idea of legendary can be omitted.


April 11, 2021


A 50 word paragraph including tenth, emerald,
answer, square. 

A 500 word short story:  "The most generous gift
is forgiveness."

The AGM was postponed till next month. Nicola would be pleased if
someone was to consider taking on the chairperson role. That means we
need a new chairperson, secretary and treasurer. Kamla has offered to
take some roles, Bob has offered to do the treasurer role. At
this point, most members have paid their membership fee of $20.00 for
the year.

March 13, 2021


A 50 word paragraph including:  quaff, opine, deprive, note.

A 500 word short story:  "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

Contributions for the anthology should be in.

At the  beginning of he meeting we will have a short AGM. As Shirley intends to resign the position of Secretary/Treasurer, (but is happy to stay on the committee in the meantime) a new secretary and/or treasurer needs to be chosen.


February 13, 2021


A 50 word paragraph including:  diaphanous, shelf, centre, proclivity.

A 500 word short story:  a tempest at sea.

Contributions for the anthology should be by February 14 -- to Bob, Shirley or Nicola, before then as February is the cut-off point. It would be good to have at least one contribution from everyone in the group.

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