Waitakere Writerss

Waitakere Writerss

Invite you to hear Kennedy Warne

Saturday 8 October, 1.30pm St John Hall, 247 Edmonton Road, Te Atatu Members:

$5 Visitors: $10

Conversation with Landscape − Writing the Land

Kennedy Warne

Kennedy will discuss how he has been drawn into conversation with the land and sea and how this has affected his writing. He will also offer pointers for writing about the land and our relationship with it. There will be time for questions and responses.

Kennedy Warne

Founding editor of New Zealand Geographic

Author of

• View from the Road

• Tuhoe: Portrait of a nation

• Let Them Eat Shrimp: The tragic disappearance of the rainforests of the sea

• Roads Less Travelled: Twenty years of exploration with New Zealand Geographic

Regular columnist, Radio New Zealand, “Off the Beaten Track”

Frequent contributor to New Zealand Geographic and National Geographic

All Welcome



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